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How To Raise Chickens: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Writer: Browns' Family FarmsteadBrowns' Family Farmstead

If you're considering raising chickens, this comprehensive guide is a must-read for beginners. Whether you're interested in having a backyard flock for fresh eggs or simply enjoying the company of these feathered friends, this resource covers all the basics to ensure a successful and rewarding chicken-raising experience. From choosing the right breed and setting up a coop to feeding, health care, and egg production, this guide has you covered every step of the way.

Table of Contents

Sapphire Splash Olive Egger

Choose the Right Breed for Your Needs

Selecting a breed that is best suited for your intended use (eggs or meat) and environment will take legwork and it will influence the breed that is most ideal for your situation.

For example, a leghorn is a small, but good highly productive egg layer of over 300 a year! On the other hand, if you are looking for a meat chicken, they are smaller than average sized birds. Therefore, they would not provide a lot of meat, unlike a Jersey Giant that can be weigh nearly 15 pounds.

Similarly, if you want to raise chickens in an area with a hot climate then accommodations may need to be made to keep your chickens cool in extreme heat and prevent heatstroke. Luckily we have put together a guide for this exact instance The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Chickens Cool in Summer Heat.

Another important consideration is the age and gender of chickens. If you are looking to breed, then you will need at least one rooster and one hen. Additionally, some breeds only live 3 to 5 years, while others live upwards of 12. While a longer lifespan might sound ideal, keep in mind most chickens only produce eggs for 3 to 5 years.

For more information on how long each breed lives and produces eggs, read our in depth article.

For additional income, chicken owners may prioritize breeds that have strong egg laying capabilities as they can sell eggs and fertilized eggs for profit.

Let's take a look common breeds, their intended uses and key notes to determine which is best for you.





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How To Raise Baby Chicks

Many chicken owners start with getting baby chicks that as less than a week old and raise them into adulthood. Since these chicks are not being cared for by a hen, there are special requirements that they need such as a brooder to keep them warm.

These items are in fact so crucial to young chicks survival that we consider them an essential all owners of baby chicks should have. For more items we recommend for raising chicks, read our article.

For more information we suggest reading A Comprehensive Guide to Raising Baby Chicks Week by Week.

Set Up a Coop and Run for New Chickens

There are a few critical pieces to setting up a chicken living area. A shelter that will be large enough for each breed with appropriate square footage described in each breed guide.

It will also need to be secure from weather (including drafts) and predators. Other accommodations include a roost bar and enough nesting boxes for your flock.

One the coop is set-up it is time to move onto a run to keep your chickens contained, but also keep common predators away. Depending on your geographic region or if you are going to free range your chickens, you may need to take additional steps to keep them safe from predators such as having at least one rooster.

One benefit of a coop and run is that is not only keeps your chickens safe, but also prevents them from flying. To many people's surprise, chickens can actually fly short distances including into trees which can be problematic if you prefer to lock them up at night.

While some farmers would argue that enrichment for chickens are not a necessity, I would disagree. When chickens are bored and under stimulated, they are more prone to bullying and pecking their own eggs.

We have put together a list of 20 enrichment items you can add to your run. Some of which may even be free.

Feeding and Nutrition for Chickens

One of the benefits of chickens is that they will eat bugs, vegetation, and even fruit and vegetables from the garden which reduces feed costs. A key consideration is to ensure that none of the plants are toxic as this can be dangerous for consumption.

Understand Chicken Health and Common Health Issues

With a balanced diet and a regularly cleaned run and coop, there will not be a lot of required healthcare if your chickens are already healthy.

Grit & Calcium for Chickens

We also offer free choice oyster shells as a source of grit and to strengthen the shells of eggs. If a chicken (especially a strong layer) is deficient in calcium, it can lead to severe health complications and a shortened lifespan.

Chicken Hydration and Water Supplements

Water supplements are crucial for maintaining the health and vitality of chickens, providing essential nutrients and hydration support that are integral to their overall well-being.

Whether it's enhancing immune function with apple cider vinegar, replenishing electrolytes during periods of stress, or promoting digestive health with oregano, these supplements play a key role in supporting chickens through various stages of growth and challenges.

For a deeper understanding of how these supplements can benefit your flock, read the full article to learn about proper usage, dosage, and the specific advantages each supplement offers. Ensuring your chickens receive the right supplements in their water can make a significant difference in their health and productivity.

Common Chicken Parasites

Of course, it is still possible for them to get parasites and other general illnesses, so it is always good to keep a watchful eye on your flock. If you suspect parasites, this can usually be cured by adding a moderate amount of red pepper flakes to their feed.

Rooster Spurs

Rooster spurs are sharp, bony protrusions on the legs used for dominance and defense. They can cause injuries to other chickens and may need to be monitored and trimmed regularly to ensure the health and safety of the flock.

How to Handle Eggs and Chickens Properly

Before your chickens start producing eggs it is a good idea to understand how long farm fresh eggs last, how to store them, and even how to determine if they have gone bad.

For a complete guide and more information read our comprehensive guide How Long Do Farm Fresh Eggs Last.

Naming Your Flock

This step is certainly not for everyone, especially if you are raising meat chickens. But it can be fun to name your flock, especially since chickens can learn to come to their names.

Here are a few of our favorite sources for chicken names.

Complete list of names by color, including:

  • Black Chicken Names

  • Brown Chicken Names

  • Grey Chicken Names

  • Red Chicken Names

  • White Chicken Names

  • Yellow Chicken Names

Themes can be an easy way to name a lot of chickens at once. We have a collection of themes including Disney Characters, Elegant Flowers, Names for Groups & Pairs, and based off Personality & Characteristics.

Collection of Old Lady Names perfect for any hen.

Collection of Old Man Names perfect for any rooster

Feathered Wisdom: The Fun Behind Chicken Idioms

Chicken idioms bring a playful twist to our language, reflecting everything from personal quirks to life’s unpredictability's. These expressions, such as “winner winner chicken dinner” and “don’t count your chickens before they hatch,” offer both humor and wisdom derived from the everyday experiences of poultry. Whether you’re navigating the pecking order or trying not to ruffle feathers, these idioms enrich our conversations with their lively and often humorous insights. Dive into the world of chicken idioms to see how they can add a feathered touch of fun to your life.

Final Thoughts

Getting chickens is an exciting journey! It is so fun to watch explore and interact with the world.

Due to this it is important to be prepared in advance by determining what breed of chicken best suits your needs, preparing an environment with enrichment and providing safety, as well as having all the basics on hand for any emergencies that may come up.

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